Un-sticking the Stuckness

Do you ever feel stuck? Either painfully so, or perhaps just annoyingly… and then you try to move away from the discomfort, the sense that something isn’t right and regardless of how you try to manoeuvre around it, It. Just. Won’t. Unstick. Over and over again, you circle the familiar territory, trying in vain to create a different outcome. It becomes a pattern and it can feel pretty discouraging.

I’ve discovered something that works for me. When I am feeling stuck, anxious about a relationship, fearful of meeting an experience or re-visiting old wounds (yup, we all have’em) I have found that I can turn to the practice of constellations to help me find my way through my endless mental dead-ends and make sense of what feels insurmountable. When I can acknowledge that there *may* be another dynamic at play, my curiosity is awakened and I can look again and see things I hadn’t previously.

Family or Systemic Constellations provide an opportunity to visit these tender places from a different perspective. Rather than zeroing-in on the problem, constellations expand the field to offer a different view, to place it in the wider family, societal, or historic context. From this wider field, it’s possible to understand that we aren’t an isolated entity but that we exist in a whole system and are sometimes unwittingly entangled in a pattern or dynamic that isn’t our own. This ‘field’ is a quantum entity. When we become aware and bring our consciousness to bear on the patterns that we experience, they change. And when we change something, we, by definition, become unstuck. There is something too, about the unsticking, that invites more life, more flow and more ease into the whole system. When life begins to flow then everyone else in the system will experience a shift too.

My friend and colleague, Elaine Harris and I are going to be taking ourselves ‘on the road’ for the next few weeks and will be offering weekend workshops in Family Constellations on the west coast of BC. One in the Fraser Valley February 10/11 and the other, on the Sunshine Coast February 17/18.

If you are feeling ‘stuck’ with something, come and join us and explore what it is to re-orient and UN-stick yourself in the context of a larger field.

If you’d like to know more or register to join us, follow the links below!



Elaine Harris has been working as a consultant and Constellations Facilitator for 13 years and has a background in Reiki, Body Talk and other healing modalities over the past 20+ years.