Levelling Up as we Approach Equinox

Calling All Homoeopaths!!

Autumn Equinox, here in the northern hemisphere, we are beginning to contemplate the coming shift into the dark half of the year, the time of reflection, retreat and reconsideration. Now we are gathering, the experiences, the wins and losses of the past season and consolidating our resources as we move into the colder months.

It is Libra Season, the sign of the Scales, the balance point where our accounts are measured against the dreams, promise, work and fruits of the year.

This time of year also corresponds with the beginning of school, the academic year, when we are less distracted by the delights of warm weather and the great outdoors. Because of the withdrawal indoors, our energy enables us to move into a different form of attention.

Astrology is one of the subjects that reflects not only the natural rhythms of life, but also informs us as to how to make the most of each season. Libra, an air sign engages us mentally, inviting us to think outside of our experience to weigh up the alternatives…

In keeping with the change of season, I will once again be offering WE ARE STARDUST An Introduction to Astrology for Homoeopaths

Commencing Wednesday, October 18 and for five weeks thereafter, online.

Session One: The Planets and their relationship to the Chakra

Session Two: The Signs and their relationships to the body/Planetary cycles

Session Three: The Houses and Aspects

Session Four: The Tissue Salts and Astrological Signs

Session Five: The Nodes of the Moon – indications of the Soul’s Promise

Each session will be approximately 2hrs – 2.5hrs and follows on from the previous one, building your knowledge step by step.

Each participant will be provided with a copy of their own chart for reference (and practice!) This is an interactive class where we will use the charts of the participants to illustrate and reveal the wisdom of astrology. No previous experience is required.

Contact me at: info@marlowpurves.net to secure your place

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